南部院區「大美不言」特展 參觀預約 Reservations for visiting the Beauty Speaks for Itself exhibition

南部院區「大美不言」特展 參觀預約 Reservations for visiting the Beauty Speaks for Itself exhibition

Online Booking

「大美不言」典藏精粹特展 於 2025年1月23日至4月20日在 國立故宮博物院 南部院區舉行

The Beauty Speaks for Itself exhibition take place at Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum from January 23 to April 20, 2025.

View Count:26K+ Purchase Count:6K+
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本網站僅提供觀眾「大美不言」典藏精粹特展 參觀預約,觀眾應另於國立故宮博物院 線上售票網站或現場售票進行購票

This website only provides visitors with reservations for visiting the special exhibition. Visitors should purchase tickets through the National Palace Museum's online ticketing website or on-site ticket sales .


  • 大美不言 入場預約


1. 請持預約憑證(QR Code)於預約時間前至展廳外排隊依序入場。
Please bring your reservation voucher (QR Code) to line up outside the exhibition hall before the reservation time and enter in order.

2. 僅提供入場預約,觀眾皆應自行購買電子門票或紙本門票後始得排隊依序入場。
Only admission reservations are provided. Audiences should purchase electronic tickets or paper tickets by themselves before queuing up to enter.

For more information, please refer to: Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum.


1. 若有其他票種購買需求,依故宮官網公告為準,並於現場出示相關證件購買。
If you need to purchase other types of tickets, please follow the announcement on the official website of the NPMSB and present relevant documents on site to purchase.

2. 如遇不可抗力之因素(包含但不限於颱風、地震、豪雨等天災),考量民眾安全,主辦單位得辦理延期或取消活動,並提前公告及聯繫,有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留修改、終止、變更活動內容細節之權利。
In the event of force majeure (including but not limited to natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, heavy rains, etc.), considering the safety of the public, the organizer may postpone or cancel the event, and announce and contact you in advance. If there are any outstanding matters, the organizer reserves the right to modify or cancel the event. The right to terminate or change event content details.

For more information, please refer to: Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum.

南部院區「大美不言」特展 參觀預約 Reservations for visiting the Beauty Speaks for Itself exhibition


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